The Youth Challenge Program Offers Two Pathways
HiSET Prep and Course Choice/Credit Recovery, both of which have students earning Carnegie Units during their 22 week cycle. This means schools no longer need to drop YCP students from their enrollment – regardless of a student’s pathway.
Which Path is Right for You?
YCP is a state approved HiSET provider. During the 5 month Residential Phase, students attend daily classes with certified instructors and work at their own pace to improve their math and reading skills in order to increase their individual grade level. Those students who meet state eligibility requirements are provided the opportunity to test for their high school equivalency diploma.
Course Choice/Credit Recovery – CCCR
YCP is a state-approved Supplemental Course Allocation/Course Choice (SCA) provider. This option is designed for students who are doing well in school and motivated to graduate with their high school diploma. In order to participate in the option, students MUST be referred by their school counselor. The school counselor will advise on the best courses for the student that meet all graduation requirements.